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Welcome to WHEN Matters 

We're storytellers - sharing our own and others' fertility journeys. We're passionate about fertility education. And on a mission to normalise the fertility conversation.

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Read real people stories, learn from expert articles and explore the most recent developments in fertility at WHEN’s digital publication.

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Medical Explainers


What is AMH and why should I test it?


Egg count - one piece of the fertility picture


My AMH is low, 
now what?


My AMH is in-range, 
now what?


My AMH is high, 
now what?

Meet our editorial team

Our contributors have had their own fertility journeys and are here to build the biggest fertility aware community in Australia - by educating with the latest in fertility knowledge and helping share each other's stories.

Sophie Howe

Real Stories Editor

Monique Cormack

Fertility Nutritionist

Pru Sweeten

Senior Fertility Nurse